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Date: 5/1/2023
Subject: Coaching Week is one week away!
From: ICF-CT Communications

We are excited about our series of events planned for International Coaching Week 2023 and we hope you will join in the fun. 

Check out our LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram pages and please take a moment to "like" and "share" our social media and events with your communities so that everyone can benefit from and celebrate Coaching.

Curious to Explore Coaching Niches? Or know someone looking to learn more about Coaching? 
Tuesday, May 9th 11:30am - 1pm ET on ZOOM

Join this interactive Zoom panel discussion to learn about a variety of coaching specialties and the power of each to facilitate positive change. Our experienced panelists are Kidan Kassahun, MA, ACC, life coach, and ADHD coach; Lynda Mettler, ACC, a transformational life coach; Donna Sweidan, PCC, LMHC, CELDC, career, health, and wellness coach; Evelyn Jenkinson, MS, BCC, communication coach; and business coach Stephanie Tishler, PCC, who will also moderate.  Each coach will introduce their area of expertise and respond to audience questions. Participants can then join a breakout room with a particular coach to learn more about the coach and their specialty.

Register Here

Explore your Coaching Network: Virtual Chapter Networking/Happy Hour
Thursday, May 11th 4:30-6pm ET on ZOOM

Come ready to play in our upcoming networking event designed as a “Meeting with Meaning!” Join us for an interactive evening of activities forging fun and meaningful connections with other ICF-CT coaches. Log in with your favorite snack or beverage and prepare for a thought-provoking experience where we will leverage technology to maximize the fun. Those in attendance will leave with a special gift! Don't miss this opportunity to connect with other coaches and grow your network!

Register Here

Coach it out!
Monday May 8th - Sunday May 14th

If you or someone you know could benefit from a 1:1 session with a Coach, please share our online Pro-Bono Directory And we all know Coaches need Coaches, so treat yourself to a coaching session if you like! 

Coaches make the world a better place, so let's celebrate together!

Happy ICW!

Thank you again for your support.

Stephanie, Evelyn, Donna, Lynda, Robyn & Justine
Your 2023 ICW Team