Greetings ICF-CT Coaches!
We have exciting news to share. The ICF-CT Technology Committee is thrilled to announce that we have launched the member forums feature of our new website!
What is a member forum?
This member forums feature is a fantastic opportunity for members to communicate with each other via a centralized message board. It allows us as members to readily access and engage each other either one-on-one or with the entire ICF-CT community, on any number of topics.
As you know, engaging fellow coaches can provide an opportunity for our professional growth as coaches which can translate to adding value to our clients’ experience thus building our coaching business.
Traditionally, we may have waited to connect with fellow coaches during the next event, but now members can virtually connect at any time.
For example, in the Member to Member forum we are able to start and organize a conversation by topic thread.
- “What is your ‘go to’ Emotional Intelligence assessment tool?” or
- “Request recommendations for office locations to meet with clients,” or
- “What is your favorite powerful question while coaching?”
Let’s take advantage of this opportunity for us to connect as ICF-CT community members online!
How to Access Member Forums?
- Log in to your member account.
- Click on the “For Members” tab > Forums > Then select the forum you’re interested in exploring.

What are some of the cool customizable preferences and features?
- Choose to subscribe or unsubscribe to specific forums.
- Choose to read new messages by logging in to the website or get notified about new messages through your email.
- Share attachments in your forum messages .
For more information, our website provider ClubExpress has created a 15 minute video on using forums from the members perspective. They offer guidance on navigating the discussion forums, updating your preferences, and highlight some of the features.
Here is a link to a video: ClubExpress - 31a Discussion Forums - Using the Forums
To update your forum preferences log in and access the PROFILE tab located in a drop-down under your name.