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Published On 7/2/2024
President's message from Stephanie Tishler
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Published On 5/21/2024
Congratulations from our chapter president
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Published On 4/15/2024
A Note From Your President
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Published On 9/12/2023
President's message from Stephanie Tishler.
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Published On 6/13/2023
Farewell and appreciation from Lori Candela
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Published On 5/9/2023
President's Message from Lori Candela
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Published On 4/4/2023
President's Message from Lori Candela
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Published On 3/14/2023
President's Message from Lori Candela
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Published On 2/7/2023
President's Message from Lori Candela
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Published On 1/10/2023
President's Message from Lori Candela
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Published On 12/6/2022
President's Message from Lori Candela
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Published On 11/8/2022
President's Message from Lori Candela
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Published On 10/11/2022
President's Message from Lori Candela
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Published On 9/13/2022
President's Message from Lori Candela
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Published On 9/13/2022
President's Message from Lori Candela
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Published On 8/9/2022
President's Message from Lori Candela
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Published On 5/31/2022
President's Message from Judy Garfinkel
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Published On 4/5/2022
President's Message from Judy Garfinkel
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Published On 3/15/2022
President's Message from Judy Garfinkel
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Published On 1/11/2022
President's Message from Judy Garfinkel
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Published On 12/7/2021
President's Message from Judy Garfinkel
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Published On 11/2/2021
President's Message from Judy Garfinkel
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Published On 10/5/2021
President's Message from Judy Garfinkel
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Published On 9/14/2021
Committee Member Spotlight - Lynda Mettler
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Published On 9/7/2021
President's Message from Judy Garfinkel
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Published On 8/3/2021
President's Message from Judy Garfinkel
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Published On 7/6/2021
President's Message from Judy Garfinkel
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Published On 6/1/2021
President's Message from Judy Garfinkel
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Published On 5/4/2021
President's Message from Judy Garfinkel
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Published On 4/20/2021
Committee Member Spotlight - Gary Decker
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Published On 4/6/2021
President's Message from Judy Garfinkel
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Published On 3/23/2021
Board Member Spotlight - Vivian Hardison
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Published On 3/2/2021
President's Message from Judy Garfinkel
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Published On 2/16/2021
Committee Member Spotlight - Justine Ickes
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Published On 2/2/2021
President's Message from Judy Garfinkel
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Published On 1/19/2021
Board Member Spotlight - Sharon Jacobson
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Published On 1/5/2021
President's Message from Judy Garfinkel
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Published On 12/1/2020
President's Message from Judy Garfinkel
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Published On 11/10/2020
Board Member Spotlight - Naomi Rafalowicz
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Published On 11/3/2020
President's Message from Judy Garfinkel
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Published On 10/20/2020
Board Member Spotlight - Lori Candela
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Published On 10/6/2020
President's Message from Judy Garfinkel
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Published On 9/8/2020
President's Message from Judy Garfinkel
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Published On 8/19/2020
We know that many of you have asked for information and resources to help you or your clients learn more about racism and how to combat it, both individually and on a systemic level.
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Published On 8/4/2020
President's Message from Judy Garfinkel
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Published On 7/7/2020
President's Message from Judy Garfinkel
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Published On 6/9/2020
Last President's Message from Monica Leggett
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Published On 5/8/2020
President's Message from Monica Leggett
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Published On 4/27/2020
2020-2021 Election Results
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Published On 4/12/2020
President's Message from Monica Leggett
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Published On 3/12/2020
Until further notice: Due to the outbreak of Covid-19 virus, and after considering the recommendations of our health authorities, all chapter meetings and Coach Café’s will be virtual, at least through the end of April. The ICF CT board has met and agreed that we need to make safe choices. Though we all are healthy adults, we may come in contact with health-compromised friends or family and we don’t feel it is a good idea to take that risk when we don’t have to. There is an opportunity in this to meet the needs of the members in new ways. Virtual meetings can have educational, networking, and social support aspects and we plan to take advantage of that going forward.
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Published On 3/9/2020
Monica's March Message & more!
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Published On 3/2/2020
Knowledge Nuggets for Coaches
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Published On 2/25/2020
International Coaching Week May 4-14, 2020
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Published On 2/11/2020
President's Message from Monica Leggett
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Published On 2/4/2020
Try Something New This Year In Your Coaching Business!
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Published On 1/19/2020
President's Message from Monica Leggett
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Published On 1/11/2020
"Nothing will work unless you do." — Maya Angelou
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Published On 1/6/2020
Updated ICF Core Competencies
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Published On 12/6/2019
President's Message from Monica Leggett
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Published On 12/3/2019
Here’s how to wrestle with the reality M. Scott Peck stated in The Road Less Traveled, when he said, "Life is hard."
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Published On 11/11/2019
Want to spark change inside organizations? Consider these ideas.
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Published On 11/4/2019
President's Message from Monica Leggett
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Published On 10/14/2019
Do you coach inside companies? If so, here is how to meet three common challenges.
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Published On 10/8/2019
We have exciting news to share. The ICF-CT Technology Committee is thrilled to announce that we have launched the member forums feature of our new website!
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Published On 10/7/2019
President's Message from Monica Leggett
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Published On 9/27/2019
This week's board member spotlight is featuring Lauren Krasnow.
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Published On 9/13/2019
Consider this your "Dannon Yogurt moment” by following the advice of its most famous slogan: If you take care of the inside, the inside will take care of the outside...
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Published On 9/9/2019
President's Message from Monica Leggett
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Published On 8/28/2019
This week's board member spotlight is featuring Matt Cross, PCC, our Virtual Meeting Management Chair
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Published On 8/23/2019
Welcome new members and congratulate members who earned or renewed their credentials this year.
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Published On 8/14/2019
Here are three articles that focus on how science and technology influence coaching...
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Published On 8/8/2019
President's Message from Monica Leggett
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Published On 8/5/2019
This weeks's featured coach is Rachel E. Roth, ACC.
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Published On 7/14/2019
Three ways to make your life as a coach a bit easier
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Published On 7/3/2019
President's message from Monica Leggett.
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Published On 7/1/2019
This week's featured coach is Stephanie Tishler who is on the ICF-CT Marketing Committee.
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Published On 6/14/2019
Here are three ways to make your life — or your client’s life — better
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Published On 6/6/2019
President's message from Monica Leggett.
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Published On 6/3/2019
This week's featured coach is Monica Leggett who is the incoming President of the chapter.
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Published On 5/20/2019
Here are three articles that share useful wisdom with us all.
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Published On 5/13/2019
President's message from Margaret Ruff.
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Published On 5/13/2019
By registering through our Chapter, you’ll be able to earn up to 5 CCE Units attending your favorite sessions at no cost.
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Published On 5/3/2019
This week's featured coach is Margaret Ruff who is the President of the chapter.
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Published On 4/23/2019
International Coaching Week (ICW) is April 29-May 5th, 2019.

Every year, local ICF Chapters and coaches celebrate International Coaching Week by offering a variety of activities and pro bono services in their local communities to share coaching’s positive impact.
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Published On 4/15/2019
Three ways to make a lasting difference.
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Published On 4/5/2019
President's message from Margaret Ruff.
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Published On 4/2/2019
Ballot for 2019-2010 Board members will be out soon.
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Published On 3/31/2019
This week's featured coach is Diana Ackerley.

Learn more about Diana.
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Published On 3/26/2019
ICF Connecticut is the recipient of the ICF Global Annual Chapter Award!
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Published On 3/26/2019
The ICF-CT board nominations process will remain open through our in-person meeting on March 29. If you have interest in, or questions about, being a board member, chat with Dina Markind or other board members at the meeting next Friday.
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Published On 3/19/2019
This saying applies to involvement with ICF-CT. The slate for 2019-2020 board is evolving. Three positions are still currently open.
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Published On 3/19/2019
Fellow coaches, here are three articles aimed at helping you take care of … you!
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Published On 3/11/2019
This week's featured coach is Dina Markind.

Learn more about Dina.
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Published On 3/7/2019
Tips on using technology for your personal and professional success.
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Published On 3/6/2019
You have questions about volunteering on the board?

We have answers!
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Published On 3/5/2019
Hello Coaches & Friends,

Spring is near and we have many exciting events coming up!

We have enjoyed member participation in all of our chapter meetings, live and virtual, as well as Coach Circles and Coach Cafes throughout the year. Our collegial engagement and community continue to grow, and we are fortunate to have so many talented coaches in our community!
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Published On 3/5/2019
The nominations committee is continuing to develop a robust slate of directors for the 2019-2020 ICF-CT year.
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Published On 2/26/2019
Filling the slate for the ICF-CT chapter board is going well.
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Published On 2/26/2019
New year, new you…new articles!
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Published On 2/19/2019
We now have 2 co-chairs of programs as well as the president elect!
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Published On 2/12/2019
The slated individual for President Elect 2019-2020 has been identified – Judy Garfinkel. This opens up the position of Virtual Meeting Management Chair.
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Published On 1/29/2019
ICF-CT is beginning to plan for our upcoming program year, which begins in July. The Nomination Process for 2019 – 2020 Board of Directors is now open and we invite you – encourage you! -- to be part of the process. Please suggest chapter members, including yourself, to join the board, who can help guide our chapter forward in the months and years ahead.
Being part of the Board is a great way to share the energy we have as coaches. ~ Steve Porcaro, Technology Chair
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Published On 12/6/2018
Are you a catalytic coach? Be...

A catalyst of change:
The Ultimate Power Couple: Professional Coaches and Change Management Professionals

A catalyst of learning:
The Benefits of Asking Questions

A (welcome) catalyst of corporate savings:
Ten Ways To Develop Your People Without A Learning And Development Budget
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