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President's Message from Judy Garfinkel

Judy Garfinkel | Published on 4/5/2022

Hello fellow coaches,

Every year I count on the promise that Spring will come, and it gets me through the winter – my fourth favorite season. Today, I’m looking at the daffodil stalks, greening branches and happy, hopping robins outside my office window that augur abundant blooms, warmer weather and outdoor get togethers.

Promises are powerful things. 

Last week, I had the privilege of attending the Global Leadership Forum (GLF*), where Alex Sheen gave a closing keynote called, Because I Said I Would, which moved me and fellow coaches around the world to tears and admiration. Alex founded Because I Said I Would, which is now an international social movement. His compelling story and belief that the power of making and keeping promises can bring individuals into their fullest integrity and can change humanity forever should not be missed. 

One promise I make today is to be at our April Fest with ICF. It’s been too long since we’ve gathered as a chapter to schmooze (and booze, if you like), to catch up, to laugh, to take full advantage of the potency of proximity. The brewery has a spacious outdoor patio. And not only is registration free, but to make it even more fun there will be a caricaturist on hand to offer the gift of playful portraits of you, our members. I can’t wait to see you!

Don’t miss:
  • April Fest with ICF
  • Alex Sheen’s Keynote: when the link is available, we will post on our LinkedIn and FB community pages. 
  • Speaking of social, check out our April meeting program on the topic of social media! 
Believing in you,


*GLF: Free chapter leadership-oriented event for the board members of over 140 chapters worldwide offered by ICF, with opportunities to learn, grow, and connect with each other around topics relevant to coaching and leading an ICF Chapter.