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President's Message from Judy Garfinkel

Judy Garfinkel | Published on 5/31/2022
Hi Coaching Colleagues, 

Over the past two years I have had the honor of serving our dynamic and beloved Chapter through challenging and uncertain times. You, the coaches who make up our membership, our committees, and the Board are what make this Chapter unique. Hands down, YOU are the reason serving as your president has been so meaningful to me. (Picture my hand on my heart as I write this.)

My gratitude to the Board and our committees could fill pages upon pages of this newsletter! 

During 2021–2022 our focused, dedicated, and resilient board members stepped up on behalf of us all. They delivered high-quality programming and opportunities to connect and network. They sustained their optimism, creativity, and flexibility when decisions needed to shift on a dime. Wow.

This past year alone our membership has increased by 30.5% and our programming has served larger numbers of members than ever before, including 3 ongoing, member-only coaching circles initiated by members who saw a need and partnered with us to make a circle happen. Our May International Coaching Week events reached beyond our membership into communities in need of coaching - healthcare, for one. 

Above is just a taste of what we have accomplished during our year to date. I hope you will join us in-person on June 3 to celebrate, to express gratitude to the outgoing board, welcome the incoming board and pass the gavel to our incoming President, Lori Candela. Our Chapter is shifting into capable and dedicated hands. We’ll have breakfast and some fun (hint: there could be games involved) at the beautiful Town & County Club in Hartford. Register here.

I know previous past presidents agree that who we are today, as human beings, leaders, and coaches, is a direct result of the singular experience of leading ICF-CT. This is absolutely true for me! Relationships built with you, a fantastic board culture, and significant support from ICF GlobaI are the reasons I stuck around and will continue to serve in years to come.


Believing in you,
Judy Garfinkel

P.S. If you haven’t had the pleasure of getting to know the members of ICF-CT’s Board or participated on a committee to share in the fun and benefits from service, please consider exploring the possibilities. Email me at